Comfort for the disturbed..

"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”.

Quote by Mexican poet and academic, Cesar A. Cruz, and later by British street artist, Banksy.

Probably the greatest compliment paid to me was by my good friend’s younger brother. I didn’t know him well; I’d only met him a couple of times. He was challenged with Schizophrenia from an early age. But even so, he was witty, bright, and delightfully quirky.

He said to me, “Your photos give me a sense of freedom”.

He never knew how much that compliment meant to me. I’d given it considerable thought afterward and looked forward to sharing that fact with him. I never got the chance. As I was about to leave on a road trip, which included stopping by their home on the Garden Route in Knysna, I received the devastating news that he had sadly passed away. Anthony was only 57.

I think some of these early photos are the ones that left an impression on him. And you, Anthony, left an indelible impression on me.

Rest in serenity and bless you, dear man.

Travel safe on your eternal journey, Anthony. RIP.




The case for cropping..